requirements.txt Trick

Tuesday, December 28 2021

Sometimes you find yourself in a legacy project with a single requirements.txt file containing pinned dependencies. A CVE is released, and you update the relevant package to the latest version, but now there are incompatibilities.

This is a way to manage dependencies in such a python project. Create a requirements.txt file with the packages you need but not their dependencies. The following script will generate a file requirements-frozen.txt with the specified packages and all their dependencies version pinned. Commit both files to version management. Add or remove packages from requirements.txt and use requirements-frozen.txt for reproducible builds. To update all packages, re-run the script.

  docker run -v "$(pwd)":/req -w /req python:3.???.???-slim-buster \
  sh -c "pip install -r requirements.txt \
  && echo \"#$(date)\" > requirements-frozen.txt \
  && pip freeze >> requirements-frozen.txt"

The following is a line-by-line explanation of the script:

  1. A shebang signifies the script should be run in the sh shell
  2. Create an ephemeral python container with access to the current directory as its working directory.
  3. Within this container, start a subshell to execute three commands, the first of which being to install the requirements in requirements.txt
  4. Echo the current date into requirements-frozen.txt
  5. Append the output of pip freeze to requirements-frozen.txt


  • The output file is human-readable and can be easily diff-ed, since pip freeze automatically sorts output by name.
  • No abstraction or magic to learn and trust
  • Updating after a patch is released is as simple as re-running the script.

If you want features, try pipenv or Poetry.